jueves, 21 de junio de 2007

I wanted to see you...nice tie...d'you have any condoms?...I don't think they'll fit you...mmmm god...you can stop if you want...i wanna fuck you again...i want you to fuck me again...i think the condom is gonna break...please, don't...the bed is making a lot of noise...walls here aren't really thick...are you on the pill or something?...i'm not...what would you do if you get pregnant?...i would have a lovely red-heared baby...it was a joke, not unless you get married to me...next time i'll get some condoms...it's to late, i must be awake a 6.30 tomorrow...

...larga noche en una cama con un hueco en el centro...seis horas en vela...los musculos se me tensan y me duelen cada media hora...no puedo moverme, no quiero molestarle...es tan guapo cuando duerme...can you check the hour, please?...you've got 30 minutes of sleep...mmm, fuck!...i'm so tired...how can you be so awaken without sleeping?...i don't know...i would had liked you to fuck me in the morning...

...y llega la mañana...y desde el momento en que pone un pie en el suelo, los dos metros que nos separan se convierten en dos mil kilometros...vamos, vamos, mírame...joder, por qué no me mira?...pasa a mi lado sin verme en ningún momento, mientras yo observo embelesada como se seca y se viste y como me abandona con un par de besos tan falsos que prefiero olvidarlos.

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